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sasha fedunchak, marketing mentor

[also your podcast host, ex-corporate marketer, serial entrepreneur, mom of 2 and messy af work in progress]

building legacy brands for brazen women

Ugh, bios are so hard to write. Why should you care what I have to say?

Well, because I'm just like you. A First Generation daughter, I came from nothing, and like a true marketing mentor, I've overcome every 'you can’t' because of my background, skin color, size, shape, or gender.

I've learned the business game with little support, driven by my personal ambition to be THE success story.

From putting myself through college and grad school to climbing the corporate ladder for 10+ quitting the 9-5 and trusting myself to take audacious action and make it -- no matter what.

Multiple successful businesses and 200+ agency clients later, I'm here to bridge the gap between where you are today and where you dream of being. Sustainable strategies, exponential business growth, and support to help you proudly say:

“Yes, I can.”

if you can dream it, you can do it.

get out of your own way.  millions are waiting.

Daring made doesn't fit into a box - - and neither should you.

This is a place where you'll find weekly mini-masterclasses on our podcast covering business, branding, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

You'll also find free resources out the wazoo and resources that help you face the challenges of growing your brand in revolutionary ways.

And, you can even work with me one-on-one if you need a little extra push.

Like you -- we're a little bit of everything, but our philosophy is always the same: We're support daring women to build iconic brands that revolutionize their lives, families and communities.

welcome to the daring side

what you'll get here

Simplification of complex branding and marketing strategies to help you take action quickly and see results in your business.

Concepts and tools that will push you outside of your comfort zone - if we're not challenging you to think critically, we're failing.

Inspiring accounts from myself and many other founders along the way. In our stories, we'll light a fire under your ass to keep going.

A big focus on results - we're not here to just brainstorm ideas all day long. If you listen or buy from us, or heck - even if you download a freebie, we want you to see a tangible shift in your business or founder journey.

where to LISTEN TO the PODCAST:




the daring journey

How I got here


the start of vacay beauty

I quit a very cushy Content Marketing Director gig and started a spray tanning business (so f*cking random). Within 6 months, I hit 6 figures and opened a salon space in Philadelphia.


we all know the f*ckery of this year...

Vacay Beauty was growing like crazy, then I got pregnant, miscarried, the world shut down, got pregnant again, and shut down the biz to move to the burbs.


birthed a whole baby and  launched daring creative

I went back to my roots and made my *side hustle* of branding and web design a full blown agency in 2021 all while nursing a new baby and fighting postpartum anxiety. 


doubled down on daring

I hit 6-figures within the first year of the business and multiple six-figures in the second year. I grew the team, expanded our services, traveled all over the country for clients and 10x my passion.


evolve or die

After supporting 200 small businesses in 2.5 years, I burned down Daring Creative to launch Daring Haus, Daring Made and ALTRD Media...all while pregnant with baby #2.

what's next?

stick around and find out

More places to listen

Check out these podcasts to hear interviews with Sasha, including topics such brand building, strategic marketing, and running a thriving, profitable business.

play now

"Marketing through connection and trust" Unfiltered Entrepreneur,
Hosted by Ashli Pollard

play now

"How branding can increase your sales" Aesthipreneur,
Hosted by Razia Mirza

play now

"How to turn your email list into paying clients" The SheXShines Podcast,
Hosted by Anna Laura Sommer & Alex Russell