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Ep. 01: Welcome to “Daring Made” – A Daring Take on Entrepreneurship!

Have you ever wondered how successful entrepreneurs build their brands? Feeling like the same old fluffy advice you hear over and over just isn’t getting you where you want to go? Or maybe you’re ready to ditch the vanilla 1-2-3 script to entrepreneurship and build something deeper and bigger than an Instagram account. Sound like you? Then you’re in the right spot.

Welcome to Daring Made – Because the world’s most visionary founders don’t just stumble upon success, they make it.

On Daring Made, we’re shifting the paradigms around building a thriving business from scratch. It’s not just about marketing strategies or sales techniques, although we’ve got those covered too, but it’s about brand building, your entrepreneurship journey, the mindset for success, and sustainable business growth.

I’m Sasha Fedunchak, your host and serial entrepreneur, corporate dropout, immigrant, and mother. For over a decade, I’ve climbed the corporate ladder to that coveted corner office and fancy title, and seen how some of the world’s top companies grew their bottom lines. Since then, I’ve run a wildly successful spray tanning salon in one of the largest cities in the country and later grew my branding agency to multiple six figures, all while working part-time and juggling mom life. Now, I’m bringing that 360 view of big business strategies to you.

I don’t want to ever paint the picture that I’ve got it all figured out. I definitely don’t. I may be a few steps ahead of you, or I may be right alongside you. I may even be well behind you. But one thing is for certain – wherever we’re going, we’ll be stronger if we go there together.

In upcoming episodes, we’ll take a deep dive into the power of influence to grow your business, share actionable branding tips, simplify complex marketing strategies, demystify business growth, and empower you to take charge of your financial operations. We’ll also bring you inspiring stories from emerging and seasoned founders that will light a fire under your ass and offer new perspectives to become the CEO of your company. This isn’t just another business podcast – this is a daring perspective shift.

Our hope with this show is to embolden you with the knowledge, inspiration, and support to build a real business and become a visionary leader in your company.

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Subscribe to Daring Made on your favorite podcast platform now and join our community of daring founders. Together, let’s make success more than just a dream—it’s time to take audacious action to transform your life, your business, and the world.

Once again, this is your show, Daring Made, where success isn’t stumbled upon, it’s intentionally and strategically made. Can’t wait to meet you in the first episode!

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